Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Oysters & A Birthday

This isn't actually a recipe post, more of a look-at-these-unbelievably-beautiful-pictures post of our somewhat recent visit to Wadmalaw Island, SC for my Grandmother's 95th birthday party. That was March 31st, so I'm only five months late on getting this up.

I'm hoping that posting pictures is the gateway to getting back into posting recipes. We'll see. Hope you enjoy!

Freshly harvested oysters. They were steamed under wet burlap on a metal plate, over a pit fire.

Jacob even got into the action - a proclaimed "non-oyster-eater." He's changed his title to "non-oyster-eater-except-when eating-them-at-Uncle-Lincoln's-house."

I believe at this point Amber was in search of the tiniest oyster award.

Happy birthday! 95 years and still rocking. Ps - That cake is a homemade one by Aunt Tracy - DELICIOUS fresh strawberry cake.

The scene of the roast. What an unbelievable view. There honestly aren't too many simpler pleasures than shucking fresh oysters shared with family during a Wadmalaw sunset.